Ekrem (Eko):P

Do you want to be overweight? Do you want to have diabetes? Or do you want to be able to run, play, and do whatever you want? Well, that is the way it should be. But there is just one problem. School nutrition is really bad. But there is an easy answer. Schools need to change their menu to a healthier menu. There are three main reasons to change. There are not enough healthier choices, there are too much unhealthy choices, and nobody is trying to fix this. The school's food is absolutely atrocious. In some schools, they allow the kids to just buy fries! In our school, they serve French fries 3-4 times each week! In fact, 9 out of 10 schools serve junk food. (http:www.parentsagainstjunkfood.org/) Also, I think that the food is not kept well. It's really greasy. They give out cookies, sodas, and have a bigger selection of ice cream than vegetables. A perfect example of that is on the 7-2 survey that states that only 7 people out of 73

think that their school serves more healthy foods than unhealthy! I also feel as if no one else is trying to fix this. In 2003, the Center for Disease Control declared obesity the most important public health issue in the US. The USDA supplies schools with the same commodity foods as prisons. Teenagers' milk consumption decreased by 36% between 1965 and 1996, while soda consumption increased by more than 200%. (All three from http://www.parentsagainstjunkfood.org/) Yet do you see much done about this? I answer you, no. There are no protests; there is nobody at Congress trying to fix this. Heck, most of us probably don't know anything about this. Based on a survey in team 7-3 65 out of 80 students say they have never checked the nutritional facts of their lunch! That is just sad.The first thing they need to do is st

art making some appealing vegetable choices, and start taking away the cookies and the ice cream and French fries. Most teens (71 out of 78) would start eating healthy vegetable choices if they are appealing, this is based on a survey for 7-2, but only 16 out of 79 say that there are any appealing vegetable choices. Now, let's go and change our school systems!
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