Schools should be allowed to have famous people come as guest speakers because famous people inspire the students. If I were to choose one famous person to come to my school as a guest speaker I would choose Joanne Kathleen Rowling also known as J.K Rowling .If she were to come to my school as a guest speaker I would want everyone their to hear her speak. There are many reasons I think that J.K Rowling should come to my school but there are only three specific reasons. Those three reasons are that she inspires many of us students already, she could teach us never to give up on our dreams, and last that we should always pay attention in school.J.K Rowling inspires us to do our best and by coming here she could teach the few of us that haven't to try to. She is an exceptional character. I think that by coming as a guest speaker her advice and words would inspire may of us students to work harder in school and try are best and never give up. She might give us hope that we could do anything we put our minds to. To some students she is inspirational because she wrote this Multi-millionaire book out of thin air. It gives
you the thought that you could do anything. There are many reasons why she can teach us never to give up on our dreams but I think that there is one that is most important. J.K.Rowling is motivational because before she wrote Harry Potter she was a single mother and had to rely on state assistance to help her. But somehow she created the Harry Potter series and became famous. She achieved her dreams with little or no help at all. She shows us that no matter what your situation is you can still achieve your dreams. So many of us feel as if obstacles get in our way then we won't be able to achieve our dreams. But if we look at the famous people around us and see how they became who they were we probably won't feel that way anymore.I think that in many ways paying attention in school helped J.K. Rowling into becoming who she is today. I think that by coming to this school as a guest speaker she could teach the students to pay more attention in school so we can achieve are dreams. I think that J.K.Rowling could teach us students to pay more attention in school because if she hadn't paid attention in class she probably wouldn't have made Harry Potter. She has learned many lessons in life and I think she could teach us some.I conclude that J.K.Rowling should be invited as a guest speaker at my school because the lessons she could teach us now will help us later on in life. If the famous Harry Potter writer came to this school I think she would be able to teach us to try our hardest at everything life throws at us.

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