Study Hall
Have you ever come home from school exhausted, from some sort of club, sports team, or tutoring? Then you lay down, so you can just wake up again to do more homework? Have you ever forgotten to do your homework because you're just too tired to function? Or, have you ever had nothing to do after school, but had so much homework you couldn't enjoy yourself? Well, if students were allowed one study hall period per day, your homework could possibly decrease.
Have you ever come home from school exhausted, from some sort of club, sports team, or tutoring? Then you lay down, so you can just wake up again to do more homework? Have you ever forgotten to do your homework because you're just too tired to function? Or, have you ever had nothing to do after school, but had so much homework you couldn't enjoy yourself? Well, if students were allowed one study hall period per day, your homework could possibly decrease.
I think we can all say that homework adds to childhood stress. Many professionals feel that a number of children are too busy and do not have time to play creatively or relax after school ( "If scheduling is not a problem and schoolwork is too difficult for you, plan to spend the first few hours after school on your teachers' classroom or a study hall to get the tutoring you need! Avoiding budgeting your time or asking for help may be unnecessarily increasing your stress level at school" ( Stress affects us all in many ways but based on my research I think the key factor to childhood stress is school-stress. Sometimes that stress doesn’t only come from having too much homework, but also from not having time to finish it. 49% of students “sometimes” don’t have enough time to finish homework, 19% sometimes but “not really all” the time have the opportunity to finish homework, 21% “always” have time to do their homework, 11% “never” have time to finish their homework. But, if we had one period per day to help us with our homework, I think we can all let out a little steam after school.
Have you ever missed your favorite show, because you had too much work to finish? Or have you ever had to skip a trip to the mall because you have some big report to type, but haven't even started due to all your other homework? Well, I've got the answers to all your problems. Less homework, plus more leisure time, equals a happy kid! Kids these days are really busy, which makes it really hard to enjoy yourself! Recently, I gave the students on my team a study hall survey. 21% have tutoring, 34% have sports or other clubs, 17% have nothing to do, and the last 28% have other after school activities. These statistics prove how busy students are.
Another way study hall would help us is that kids could possibly be a lot more physically fit. How, you ask? Well, if we had time to do, and possibly finish our homework at school, Kids would have a lot more time after school to run, play, and just be kids! You could get to sports' practices on time too. We would also get to sleep a lot earlier because we wouldn't be overwhelmed with homework. We would be more awake in class, perhaps enhance our grades. 86% of students on team 7-2 think that doing homework in school will help improve their grades. If the road to success is that easy to obtain, why not, make the decision to help people get there.
"Whenever you sense you are having a problem (no matter the size) in keeping up, GET HELP. The sooner the better, and usually the instructor is your best resource despite any lack of comfort you may feel in asking him/her for their help." ( This advice is really good to follow, but can be hard when doing homework. Of the students who took my survey, 83% would like the option of having teachers help them with their homework. How would teachers be able to help you if you're here and they are there? Well, if we had study hall your teachers would only be a few steps away. Which will make teachers, parents, even kids, a lot happier?
Study hall is great, not for one but for numerous reasons. It's good for the brain, the body, teachers, the parents, and of course, the kids! A whopping 90% of students like the idea of doing homework at school. So if you want more leisure time, a healthier body (with less stress), and better grades, then you'll say yes to study hall!

Nice graphs oh and I hate study hall
I don't like study hall I hate it
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