Do you ever know how much time you have left to go to the bathroom or chat with your friends? Do you ever feel like you're late even though you're not? Do you ever rush in the hallway for no reason and get in trouble for being late even though you tried not to be? If you've ever asked yourself these questions, you might want to read this:

Francis C. Hammond Middle School has a big problem with students being late to class. Only 16 percent of midd
le school students know when their classes begin, according to a survey of team 7-2 in the seventh grade. 21 percent of the students don’t know when exactly their classes begin, according to the survey. They have no idea what time they have to get to their next classes so in some cases it's not even their fault. They just didn't know how much time they had left. With digital clocks in the hallway I'm sure they wouldn't be late to class as much. Digital clocks in the hallway could inform the students of how much locker and bathroom time they have left and when they're about to be late.

We're not allowed to go to the bathroom during class without any consequences; even if it's an emergency. If students do have to go to the bathroom, they have to go during locker time. Sometimes if they do go to the bathroom, then they're late to class. If we decide not to be late then by the time we get to class are really, really have to relieve ourselves. This adds to a lot of stress we may have. Many stress models emphasize a "mismatch" between the individual and his or her environment. Stress is difficult to define because individuals react to it very differently, and a situation that is stressful for one person may not be for another. ( If we have stress in the classroom then we probably won't be able to concentrate, we will learn less, and we will not do as well on tests and quizzes. If we had digital clocks then we would know how much time we had left to go to the bathroom and possibly go back to our classrooms to ask our teachers if we could go do whatever we needed to do.

If students forget something in their lockers and want to go back to get it they don't always know how much time they have left. Because of that they may be late. If we decide to not be late and just go to class then there is a great possibility that we'll get in trouble anyways because we won't be prepared for class. Many students go to class unprepared to listen to the lecture with their full attention on the professor and what he is saying. They either come to class late, have other thoughts racing in their mind, or they are daydreaming. ( So if we don't know how much time we have left and we're either late or unprepared it's possible to get in trouble for two things instead of one. If we know how much time we have left then there is a less possibility of that happening.

Our last problem is that we're not allowed to run to class which is pretty smart because we wouldn’t want middle school kids running around and bumping into each other all the time. So we can get in trouble for thinking that we're going to be late even if we're not sure or we’re not even late. Sometimes we do have enough time to get to our locker even if we don't know it. We wouldn't know because there aren’t many lot of clocks in the hallway. Even if there were clocks, they probably wouldn't be right because they wouldn't be synchronized; all hallways have different clocks. This also adds stress because if we're always rushing we can't be relaxed and listen to what our teachers have to say.My conclusion is that digital clocks will help every one in the hallways. It will reduce stress in students because they'll be sure of the time they have left always. It will also reduce stress in teachers because they won't have to deal with as much angry students that are late for no reason. A more relaxed environment makes it easy to learn and have a good time at the same time.
1 comment:
7-2 Eagles are the best. I think that it was a good idea to start a blog aabout the things that we think need to be changed about the school. And just showing the website some love.
7-2 Eagle 4 lyfe,
Shekerra Matthews
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