Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Michelle: Going outside after lunch

Ask any group of students what they like about school and one answer will come up over and over: recess! Who doesn't like that time of the day where you can just go outside get some fresh air, run around, or just sit and talk with friends? But for many students today, the recess bell comes too late, for too little time, or not at all. After some students eat that yummy, stomach filling lunch they have to go straight back to class and learn again. Haven't you ever thought that students, in any grade level, need time to relax, socialize, and run around? Have a time to let all that energy just consumed out? Middle school students need a time after lunch to relax, socialize, and exercise. Giving this freedom to middle school students will also help students concentrate more during their classes after lunch.

According to experts, childhood obesity is an epidemic in the United States. A combination of unhealthy eating habits and a lack of physical activity appear to be the cause. It is estimated that 15% of adolescents are currently overweight. ( For some students, recess is the only time for them to exercise, aside from their PE classes. As shown in the graph, 27 students exercise less than 3 times per week. In the case of childhood obesity and overweight children, the numbers don't seem to lie. If schools are being asked to play a part, they need to take a serious look at the facts and make an informed decision on how to help their students. Though, there are cons to having recess the pros out weigh the cons. Students may become healthier just by having the opportunity to run around for 10 to 15 minutes a day. Just think about it, bringing back recess to middle schools could be the best decision for the school day of a middle school student.

Stress is a big cause of why middle schools should add recess to their schedules. Everyone needs that one time of the day where they can just relax and socialize with each other. All day middle school students stress getting good grades, passing tests, doing well on projects, and just fitting in with friends. If recess is added to middle schools not only will students make new friends, students will be less stressed since they will know that they don't have to sit in a classroom all day with only one break, to eat lunch. After all, students sit in a classroom for about 6 1/2 hours a day and then on top of that have 1 to 3 hours of homework every night. Don't you think students need that one time of day, for at least 15 minutes, to just get refreshed and recharged for the rest of the day?

Who would have thought that recess can actually be educational? It gives students the freedom to choose what they want to do for 15 to 30 minutes a day. Audrey Skrupskelis, associate professor of early childhood education at the University of South Carolina said, "[Recess] is the one time during the day that [students] have the freedom, or power, to control what they will do in terms of decision-making, in terms of negotiation, and in terms of conflict resolution with their peers." ( Recess also gives adults a break to get re-energized for the rest of the day. If recess is added to middle school schedules it will not only give students a break, it will give staff a break too.

After lunch, students normally have a lot more energy than they had before lunch and don't seem to concentrate as much. If middle school students are allowed time for recess after lunch, some of that energy just consumed won't be bottled up inside their bodies and they will have more focus on their school work. At Hammond 37% of students surveyed feel that if we get to go outside after we finish our lunch, we will have less energy during classes. Given the opportunity to run around after sitting in a classroom will get students' minds cleared and ready to learn again. More than 40 students at Hammond agree that going outside after lunch will help them concentrate more during class. It will also give students the opportunity to tell their peers what's on their minds, making them more focused for the rest of the day. Adding recess to schedules will give students time to get their mind and body ready for the rest of the long school day.

It is obvious that adding recess to middle school schedules will have a great impact on students. So, go ahead, add recess to schedules and see what role it plays on your life. After all, who doesn't remember that wonderful moment when you finally got to run out to the playground, cheerful, for a game of soccer, basketball, or just plain old hide-and-go seek?