Thursday, May 17, 2007

By Andrea We NEED more Time Between Classes

The bell rings, right when I step in front of my locker, telling me class has started. Once again, I'm late for class. Almost every day this week I've been late to class. To get to class on time I have to run and as you may know students are not allowed to run in the hallways at Hammond Middle School. In this case Francis C. Hammond should be able to give students more time between classes. There are a few reasons why I ask for more time. Some students have to use the bathroom or drink of water and others may need more time to get all supplies needed. Another strong reason is because time pressure may cause stress on some students.

After lunch and throughout the day students have the urgency to use the bathroom and just don't have time to use it. Later in electives the teachers may say that they cannot use it at all. Holding back the urine may cause UTIs (Urinary Tract Infection) holding the urine causes bacteria to grow and that is what causes the infection to start. In a young adult the risk of UTIs is 2 percent in boys and 8 percent in girls according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse. Students often ask to use the bathroom throughout the day and usually teachers say no or on team 7-2, 2 dollars get taken of your Eagle account. On this same team students took a survey and about 82.5% of students asked for more time to use the bathroom. This is a serious matter to me and I think we should do something about it.

Thirst is another major reason for students at Hammond Middle school. About 67.5% of the people on team 7-2 needed more time to get a drink of water in between classes. That is a lot of people to tell you the truth. I bet you didn't know that your body is, according to some estimates made, is 80% fluids. According to building – if you stop drinking water, coherent thoughts vanish, your skin can grow extremely clammy and also your organs most likely wrinkle and that’s not very good. If you stop drinking water, it could cause major damage to your body. Your eyes need fluid to cry so if there is no water in your body you don’t cry. Your mouth can’t swallow without fluids so there is another reason why you should drink as much water possible. Your body needs sweat and for sweat you need water and also your cells need blood to carry them and that needs fluid for sure. As you see, your body needs as much water possible for it to function. So every day when students ask “Can I get a drink of water?” Teachers think twice and answer “Yes, of course!” I’m not saying give them water every time they ask you but at least a few times a week. I know that I would be grateful for that. Imagine all those serious problems happening just because the teachers didn’t let the students get one drink of water.

Supplies, supplies, supplies is all teachers worry about. Do you have all your supplies when you have absolutely no time to get them? I bet not. Teachers are always asking if we have all our supplies and if not why we don’t have them. Well, to tell you the truth most students don’t have them because they don’t have enough time to get them. There you go, another straight up reason why we need more time between classes at Hammond Middle School. Students are always asking to get more time between classes and here is another student is asking for more time. About 75% of students on team 7-2 of Hammond middle school asked for more time for supplies. This here is another way of telling you we need more time to get our supplies.

You may not know but time pressure may cause stress on some students. Usually students need time to get to class and if not having time may cause stress. Don’t you think teachers should do something about it? Stress can cause damage to your body in so many ways you and I don’t know. For example, stress can cause you to not concentrate on your school work or older children like middle school students may begin to lie, bully, or defy authority. Another thing that can stress a person is unmet needs. To me, this need is very important. We need this extra time or it could cause stress on us students. You teachers may think that having more time is going to make us play around and then really making it hard to get to class. It’s not! If students really need this extension then we will not use it as free time. We will get to class on time, we will have our supplies, and we will not be asking you in every class that we need to use the bathroom. If teachers want us to get to class on time, help, by making an extension to our time between classes.

Another day at school, the bell rings, where am I? This time let me be in class, give us an extension. It will help me and it will help you. It will make us all happy, you see how that works? I’ve stepped up to the plate by asking, be kind and help!



The Eagles, Team 7-2 said...

nice graphs! Nice topic too!just kidding

The Eagles, Team 7-2 said...