In the middle school of Francis C. Hammond , most kids are upset do to the poor amount of field trips. I believe that the students of Hammond should take a break from the teachings of class and learn from a field trip. I think that most students learn better if they are experiencing what they have learned in their classroom. I think that with less field trips, students will learn with no experience, students will be stressed with classroom teachings, and students should have choices on to wh

Do to the less amount of field trips, students will learn with no experience. For example, South Florida parents agree that field trips can't replace classroom teachings, but children do learn better from experience. "Educational field trips get students out of class and allow them to experience hands-on activities that they learn in class", said Gabrielle Boll, owner of Fort Lauderdale-based Build-A-Field Trip."Good field trips bring lessons to life!"I believe that when students get stressed, they should keep on learning but wi
th a good life lesson field trip. Amy Conza of Parland praises the field trips at her child's school. "For example, my first grader learned about butterflies in class, and a lesson was followed with a field trip to the Butterfly World!" In some cases, field trips provide a real-world view of something children only understand in theory from a classroom lesson.Also, with the freedom of getting to go on a field trip, we should get to choose or at least get choices of where we should go. We should also average the amount of pay that we have to give because, in my view, sometimes people just might not have enough money to meet the amount due. I believe that our choices to which field trip we should go should be both educational and fun for the students.
With all do respect, I think that most kids would like to learn by going on field trips. There is nothing wrong with taking a field trip. It wouldn't hurt anyone, it should just help students experience what they have learned. After all, students do like going on field trips or at least getting out of class.

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