Hammond should improve the school lunch and make it healthier. It should be better tasting, cleaner, and also good for the students of Hammond. The lunch isn’t tasty but more importantly it isn’t healthy. There are many ways that the food is so disappointing to health of the kids that attend Hammond Middle School.
One thing is that there are barely any vegetables in the school menu through out the week. Fries are seen more than vegetables: in a survey 45% of kids on 7-2 said that they are almost always served vegetables more than fries. According to my survey results about half of the kids on 7-2 said that they choose vegetables 0 times a week. There are barely any choices anyway! And research says that kids must eat all kinds of vegetables to get all types of vitamins and avoid horrible diseases vegetables are clearly important for kids health. We should have vegetables to up hold the healthiness of all the kids that eat the food. And that matters because health is a very important issue. You have to keep yourself nice and healthy to have a good life and do good in school.
Another thing is that the food is too greasy. 86% of the kids on 7-2 said they either almost always or sometimes didn’t eat the food just because it doesn’t look good enough to eat. Potato chips contain lots of salt and fat. That would clog up your blood flow. Cookies contain too much sugar and not enough vitamins and minerals. Also eating to many calories is a major contribution to obesity
and heart disease. According to the CDC ( Central Disease Control and Prevention) obesity in children has tripled in the last 30 years. We should improve that bye making the lunch better cooked and adding more healthy foods and types of vegetables with rice or anything like that. Its not that Hammond can’t improve it is that it seems Hammond doesn’t try to improve.
Lastly, most kids don’t feel well after eating. More than half of the kids on 7-2 said that their stomachs feel upset after eating the food in the cafeteria. Junk foods do not have nutrients that help the human body infact they fight against it. They are filled with harmful fats, cholesterol, and so on. This is what slows down and weakens the body, it also gives a feeling of laziness. On the other hand healthy foods give you good energy to burn and keep you going. Also when you eat healthy foods you take out nutrients from it and gain a stronger internal body system. That is because it holds up your vessels and keeps you going.
That is the opinion of the school lunch served at Hammond. I don’t know about you guys but I want to eat healthy food. The current food might taste good, but don’t forget what is going into your mouth and how unhealthy it is.
I agree! The school lunch is full of calories and makes some people feel sick after eating the food. It also doesn't taste good.
We do deserve healthier food.Even the French get healthier food.Why not us!(team 7-2 rocks)
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